CANCELLED letterpress print


 Ever wanted to cancel someone? Or be cancelled yourself? Now you can!

This is an official 'CANCELLED' hand-pressed certificate artwork. 

Fully customisable, you can now finally bring cancelling offline, and into real life. Tell your friends, family, pets, plants, favourite politician or pretty much anyone/anything just where you think they went wrong.


Once added artwork to cart, you can complete your unique "To", "From" and your reason for cancelling the person or thing. 

Try keep your 'reason' to around 15 words max so it fits on your certificate. Artist reserves full rights to cancel or modify your text if tastelessly used, at his full discretion. Have fun with it, but don't be a troll.

Edition: 1/100, unique-multiple variants.
Dimensions: 450mm x 320m
Press type: Deep impression, printed on original 1833 Albion Press.
Ink: 2-colour print, specifically designed to have variation in printing & ink coverage.
Stock: 450gsm acid free Wild Board, 35% cotton

Authentication: Hand signed and numbered.
Shipping: Please allow 7-10 days (domestic) or up to 14-21 days (international)

(If it missed you - the work is artistic satire).